What the Dickens!

The pace must be as fast as possible, the story conveyed by grouping, movement, attitude, the doffing of a hat here, the donning of a cape there. None of the performers seems to stand still for a moment and it all gets very frantic and irritating. Plus, they sometimes get confused…

ACTOR 1 plays M1

ACTOR 2 plays M2

ACTRESS 1 plays W1

ACTRESS 2 plays W2


(A bare stage)

M1:     (entering) My lords – !

W1:     (entering) Ladies – !

M2:     (entering) And gentlemen – !

ALL:   Welcome!

W2:     (entering late) Welcome! Sorry…

            (They all start striding purposefully about)

M1:     The Royal Shakespeare Company in conjunction with Channel Four, David Puttnam and Terry Wogan proudly presents –

W2:     The second part of its nine and half hour version of –

M2:     The life and curious adventures of –

            (All halt – tableau)

M1:     (Doffing hat) David Copperknob.

ALL:   By Mister Charles Dickens.

            (They all start striding about again)

M1:     But first, a brief résumé of –

W1:     The first part of –

M2:     The life and curious adventures of –

            (All halt – tableau)

M1:     (Doffing hat) David Copperknob.

ALL:   By Mister Charles Dickens.

            (All stride about)

M1:     My name is David Copperknob and one day I was born –

W1:     (Childbirth) Ow, ow, ow.

            (M2 pops his finger in his mouth. M1 appears between W1’s legs and doffs his hat)

W2:     It’s a boy.

ALL:   Huzzah!

M1:     – in London.

All:      (Tableau) London!

W1:     Cockles!

M2:     Mussels!

W2:     Get your London Times!

M1:     But my parents were very poor, and one day they sent my sister Emily off to fend for herself among the wicked byways of the teeming capital.

M2:     Emily, your mother and me is sending you off to fend for yourself among the wicked byways of the teeming capital.

W1:     (Emily) You don’t mean – ?

M2:     Yes!

W1:     Cockles!

M2:     Mussels!

W2:     Get your London Times!

W1:     (Emily) What is a poor innocent girl to do abroad among the wicked byways of this teeming capital?

M2:     Hello, my dear.

W1:     An actor-manager with a walking stick and gloves!

M2:     How would you like to go on the stage?

ALL:   (Tableau) The stage! (Singing) There’s no business like show business.

M1:     So my sister Emily went on the stage while the next day I was sent for my education to the grim pile known as Dothetwist Hall –

ALL:   Amo, amas, amat.

M1:     Presided over by the evil tyrant Wakefield Skewers –

M2:     (Skewers) Har har!

M1:     And his even more evil wife, Mrs Skewers.

W2:     (Mrs Skewers) Har har har!

M1:     It was a woeful, repetitive life we led as pupils –

ALL:   Amo, amas, amat.

M1:     Until one day I made a close friend, an idiot called Spike.

M2:     (Spike) Amas, amamus, Adam Ant, hur hur hur.

M1:     Hello, I’m David Copperknob, the new boy.

M2:     I’m Spike, the idiot. Will you be my close friend?

M1:     Until hell freezes over and beyond, Spike!

ALL:   Huzzah!

M1:     But one day our close friendship drew the suspicions of Mrs Skewers.

            (M1 starts buggering M2)

W2:     Skewers? That new boy Copperknob seems to be getting mighty thick with Spike.

M2:     You leave him to me, my dear. I know how to deal with fine young gennelmen from London.

W1:     Cockles!

M2:     Mussels!

W2:     Get your London Times!

M1:     So the years passed, each more woeful and repetitive than the last.

ALL:   Amo, amas, amat.

M1:     Until one day –

M2:     (Skewers) Copperknob! I need a new teacher. How would you like t’job?

M1:     I would like it very much, sir.

M2:     Pay will be two pennies a month, payable in arrears.

ALL:   Huzzah!

M2:     Starting in 1947.

ALL:   Boo!

M1:     It was a woeful repetitive life I led as a teacher –

ALL:   Amo, amas, amat.

M1:     Until one day –

M2:     (Spike) Please sir, I want some more. (pause) Oh, that’s me. (Skewers) No more in this pot, laddie, this is all gruel.

            (Spike) But I only want a little more.

            (Skewers) You cheeky little brat, bend over. (He begins beating himself, awkwardly) Take that, and that.

            (Spike) Ow, ow, ow.

M1:     I could stand the sight of this despicable spectacle no longer. Mr Skewers, I can stand the sight of this despicable spectacle no longer.

M2:     You hold your tongue. (Beats himself some more) Ow, ow, ow.

M1:     I will not. (He begins beating M2) Take that, and that.

M2:     Ow, ow, ow.

ALL:   Huzzah!

M1:     Come on, Spike, we are leaving this place for good.

ALL:   For what?

M1:     Sorry, for London!

W1:     Cockles!

M2:     Mussels!

W2:     Get your London Times!

W1:     On the way, David and Spike had a bit of a chat.

M1:     Has no one ever shown you the slightest consideration or kindness, Spike?

M2:     Only you, Mr Copperknob.

M1:     I vow that from this day forward no man shall ever raise his hand against you again – including you – until hell freezes over and beyond.

ALL:   Huzzah!

M2:     Hur hur hur. But what are we going to do?

M1:     We shall go on the stage!

ALL:   (Singing) There’s no business like show business.

W2:     So they went on the stage and soon became the talk of the West End.

M1:     (Front legs of pantomime horse) I say I say I say, what is the difference between (Bangs foot once) and (Bangs foot twice)?

M2:     (Back legs) I don’t know, what is the difference between (Bangs foot once) and (Bangs foot twice)?

M1:     Why – (Bangs foot once by way of the punchline)

ALL:   Boom boom!

W1:     Huzzah!

W2:     Meanwhile, the cruel hand of fate had stepped in to thwart Emily.

M2:     (Actor-manager) Well, my dear, since you won’t sleep with me I’m going to send you off to fend for yourself.

W1:     You don’t mean – ?

M2:     Yes!

W1:     Cockles!

M2:     Mussels!

W2:     Get your London Times!

W1:     What is a young girl to do?

M1:     You could always work in a shop.

M2:     So Emily went to work in a shop.

W1      Hello, is this a shop?

W2:     Yes, would you like to work in it?

W1:     Yes please.

M2:     Meanwhile, the wicked foot of destiny had turned full circle on David.

W1:     Will you help me with my corsets, Mr Copperknob?

M1:     Yes, all right –

W2:     Tie up my slip, Mr Copperknob?

M1:     Yes, in a minute –

W1:     Stick your knob in my ear, Mr Coppertongue – I mean –

M2:     (Spike) It’s OK, Dave, I’ll get this one…

W1:     Until one day –

M2:     (Actor-manager) Mr Copperknob, I will brook no dalliance in my flies, let alone yours. You’re fired.

M1:     Spike, we must leave the stage.

ALL:   Boo!

M1:     We must away to –

M2:     London?

W1:     Cockles!

M2:     Mussels!

W2:     Get your London Times!

M1:     Worskop!

            (Pause. How the hell do you do Worksop?)

W1:     (Inspiration) Yorkshire pudding!

M2:     Tripe and onions!

W2:     Get your Worksop Evening News!

M1:     Meanwhile, business was booming for Emily, and one day –

M2:     (Dandy) Hello, I would like to buy something.

W1:     Well, sir, you’ve come to the right place.

M2:     You look like a bright girl. Are you free for dinner?

W1:     Are you rich?

M2:     I’m rich.

W1:     I’m free.

ALL:   Huzzah!

W2:     Meanwhile –

W1:     Yorkshire pudding!

M2:     Tripe and onions!

W2:     Get your Worksop Evening News!

M1:     Spike, I grow weary of workaday Worksop. We shall take ship for – America!

ALL:   (Tableau) America!

M1:     (prompting) On a ship!

W1:     Hoist your mainsail!

M2:     Splice your mainbrace!

W2:     Get your ship newspaper!

W1:     On the way, David and Spike had another chat.

            (M2, as Spike, vomits over the side)

M1:     Have you never been on a ship before, Spike?

M2:     Only with you, Mr Copperknob.

M1:     I vow that from this day forward you will spend your every waking moment on a ship until hell freezes over and beyond!

ALL:   Huzzah!

M2:     Oh shit… (Vomits again)

M1:     Then one day we arrived in America.

ALL:   (Singing) I like to be in America.

W2:     Meanwhile, the forces of misfortune had conspired to cast Emily down once more.

M2:     (Dandy) You’re three and a half months what?

W1:     You have taken advantage of my poor innocent nature among the wicked byways of this teeming capital. I demand crèche facilities.

M2:     I cannot afford a scandal. I shall send you off to fend for yourself among the –

            (W1 shoots him)

ALL:   Huzzah!

W1:     No policeman in the world would arrest me.

M1:     (Police siren) Na na, na na. Emily Copperknob, you are under arrest.

ALL:   Boo!

W1:     No jury in the world would convict me.

M1:     Guilty!

W2:     Guilty!

M2:     Guilty!

ALL:   (Pointing at her) Guilty! Boo!

W1:     No judge in the world would sentence me to death.

M2:     Emily Copperknob, I sentence you to death.

ALL:   Boo!

W1:     No jail in the world is like the Scrubs.

ALL:   (Tableau) The Scrubs!

W2:     Meanwhile –

W1:     Peanuts!

M2:     Hamburgers!

W2:     Get your American Evening Post!

M1:     Spike, I don’t like America. We shall return to London!

W1:     Cockles!

M2:     Mussels!

W2:     Get your London –

M1:     – via Mexico.

            (Slight pause)

W1:     Tortillas!

M2:     Mañanas!

M1:     And India!

W1:     Popadoms!

M2:     Vindaloos!

M1:     Taking in Australia –

W1:     Wombats!

M1:     Africa –

M2:     Giraffes!

M1:     And Iceland!


W2:     (Inspiration) Get your Reykjavik Gazette!

            (It starts speeding up now till the end)

M2:     But once back in London –

W1:     Cockles!

W2:     David and Spike bought a copy of The Stage

ALL:   (Singing) There’s no –

W1:     And read in it that Emily’s life story was to be turned into a musical by Gilbert and Sullivan.

ALL:   (Singing) I am the very model of a modern major general.

M1:     Spike, we must save Emily! But how?

W1:     The bars are high.

M2:     The walls are ill.

W2:     And Spike is thick. No, hang on…

W1:     The walls are strong.

M2:     The locks are ill.

W2:     And Spike is high. No…

W1:     The locks are strong.

M2:     The walls are thick.

W2:     And Spike is ill.

ALL:   That’s it! Huzzah! (Spike vomits) No, sorry, boo!

            (All stride about)

W1:     But exactly how David sets out to rescue his sister –

M2:     And how he cures Spike –

W2:     And how they once again become the toast of London –

W1:     Cock – !

M2:     And the stage –

ALL:   (Singing) There’s –

W2:     And how they all survive the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 –

ALL:   Bang!

M1:     We shall reveal –

W1:     In the second part –

M2:     Of the life –

W2:     And curious adventures –

W1:     Of –

            (All halt)

M1:     (Doffing hat) David Copperknob.

ALL:   By Mister Charles Dickens. (They all collapse together in an exhausted heap) After the interval!

            (They bow, link arms, embrace, invade the audience shaking hands, sweat, etc)


What the Butler Looted