
Surgery atmosphere. In mid-CU, a middle-aged WOMAN talks to the DOCTOR.

DOCTOR:      And what seems to be the trouble, Mrs Haskins?

WOMAN:       Well, it’s George’s bowels, doctor. He’s taken to going on the lino at the bottom of the stairs and leaving little piles in the corner of the sitting room. I can’t get him to go out anymore.

DOCTOR:      I see. And how long have you had George?

WOMAN:       Oo, it’s a good few years now, doctor.

DOCTOR:      Ah well, it’s probably his age you see. A lot of them get like that when they can no longer look after themselves.

WOMAN:       Will – will you have to put him down, doctor?

DOCTOR:      (kindly) Well, let’s just have a look at him first, shall we?

WOMAN:       George, here George…

            (Pull back as she helps a DECREPIT OLD MAN up onto the DOCTOR’s desk. He just sits there looking vacant in a muffler. The DOCTOR gives him a brief once over)

DOCTOR:      Yep. He’s a goner all right. (and shoots him)


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James Bond