Marriage Quickie

MAN and GIRL in bed. Close on their faces. The MAN is smoking a post-coital cigarette.


GIRL:  Darling, that was all right for you, wasn’t it?

MAN:  What? Oh yes, fine thanks.

GIRL:  So you…you are still going to marry me, aren’t you?

MAN:  Well, I…

GIRL:  But you promised! Please?

MAN:  Oh all right.

(PULL BACK as he leans over to stub out the cigarette. A SECOND MAN is lying in bed the other side of him, looking fed up. Around the bed people are grouped in their Sunday best, as for a wedding ceremony. The first MAN takes a bible from beneath the covers.

MAN:  Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony…

maybe in latter times, that would have to be Woman not Girl.


Love Letter


Moonlit Sonata