Marriage Quickie
MAN and GIRL in bed. Close on their faces. The MAN is smoking a post-coital cigarette.
GIRL: Darling, that was all right for you, wasn’t it?
MAN: What? Oh yes, fine thanks.
GIRL: So you…you are still going to marry me, aren’t you?
MAN: Well, I…
GIRL: But you promised! Please?
MAN: Oh all right.
(PULL BACK as he leans over to stub out the cigarette. A SECOND MAN is lying in bed the other side of him, looking fed up. Around the bed people are grouped in their Sunday best, as for a wedding ceremony. The first MAN takes a bible from beneath the covers.
MAN: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony…
maybe in latter times, that would have to be Woman not Girl.